Loveah (Chloe)
At 5 years of age, the spirits of farm animals who were killed for food would come to Chloe and show her how they died in vivid detail, asking her to help. This was the beginning of her life's mission.
Chloe started her journey of energy healing at the age of 14. Her closest friend at the time was crying and panicking and while Chloe was hugging her, she instinctively pictured and felt trapped energy from her friend flowing out of her and releasing. Her friend immediately stopped crying and calmed down.
Chloe started practicing this newfound gift on others and then learned Usui Reiki and Galactic Energy Healing/Channeling professionally 1 year later. At the same age of 14, Chloe also began seeing people's past memories and experiencing future visions.
At age 16, she learned Animal Reiki and Animal Communication. At age 17, she learned crystal healing, Quantum Reiki, and Past Life Regression and at age 18 she founded Unconditional Love Reiki. She started teaching at 17 years of age.
As time went on, Chloe began tapping into and expanding her abilities even more and channeled new methods of healing. Her goal is to spread world compassion, balance, and peace for all species. Currently, she provides in-person and long-distance sessions daily for individuals and the entirety of Earth for all her inhabitants.
She has written and channeled over 17 books with many more arising.
At age 22, Chloe's true being was revealed in meditation and her name of Loveah surfaced (the name that can be shared publically as our names hold much power and are sacred).
At 23 (plus beyond infinite years), Loveah is flowing with loving creation and remembrance of true love in all of life. She is currently channeling many stories, visions, and healing.